Posted by manusim ● 18-Apr-2022 15:06:29

DIT internationalisation grants to cover translation costs

Word Cloud International Marketing localization and translationInternationalisation Grants between 1,000 and 9,000 GBP now available

Are you planning to translate your website? The new internationalisation initiative launched by the Department for International Trade (DIT) for medium-sized enterprises (up to 250 employees and turnover < 50 million), UK is something you should look into.

You will still need to fund a part of the investment (which varies according to where your business is based). But if you plan to do business abroad, it could be the starting point for your international digital presence.

The fund can be used for many activities, like market research, IP advice, translation services, international social media / SEO, trade fairs, independent market visits, consultancy and other commercial services.

ILT can assist you with

  • Localisation/translation activities (English, Dutch, French, German (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and South Tyrol), Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (Italy and Switzerland), Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, American English, Brazilian Portuguese)
  • International SEO and social media (Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese)
  • Trade fair support in Italy (Milan, Rome, Verona, Bolzano, Torino) and Germany (Frankfurt, Stuttgart)
  • Other commercial activities
  • Multilingual website development.

To apply for a grant, follow the link here.  

Language paves the way for your international digital presence, and help is just a click away.

What is localisation? Localisation is a strategy by which you devise how to enter or establish your company's digital or communication presence in a culturally and linguistically diverse context. It goes hand in hand with your wider commercial and product strategy and touches all aspects of a company's international activity. If your product is digital, you need to localise it in the language of your users. Digital marketing activities must be transposed or recreated in the new cultural context to remain relevant. Contractual and licencing agreements need to be accessible in the user's language. And you may need an interpreter to interact effectively with local clients and authorities.

Topics: Internationalisation
