When we can, we offer services on a voluntary basis to guarantee people's basic access to information, care and legal support.
And we are glad to raise funds through "sweat and perspiration" for causes aligned with our values.
Raising funds to purchase mosquito nets to protect lives through swimming events. ILT supported the translation of the website.
Translation of articles on the extent of damages sustained to help with the international fundraising efforts.
From intellect to physical perspiration … But glad to have helped Best Beginnings fund their incredible app to help all parents gaining appropriate access to support and health from conception to the end of the first year of child's life.
Fund-raising to provide safe taps and toilets in the most rural parts of Kenya.
An amazing charity offering support to cancer patients.
We evaluate new projects on an ongoing basis. Should we have the right resources, we are happy to help.
About Us
Founded in 1996, Interlanguage Translation Ltd. (ILT UK) is headquartered in London, UK.
Italian office in Rome. Liaison office in Heidelberg.
SAP Language Services Partner since 2010. ASAP Globalizers Affiliate since 2014.
Brands: SpeakLegal, InterpretDirect, ProntoInterprete, Small2Global.
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